Dr. David Fear Award

David Fear received his medical degree from the University of Toronto in 1966. Following his internship at Toronto General Hospital he moved to Kirkland Lake where he practiced as a family physician for 3 years. It was here that he first developed his interest in Anesthesia and consequently decided to return to Toronto for postgraduate training. Following completion of his anesthesia residency, David moved to Peterborough where he practiced for 11 years before returning to the Hospital for Sick Children in 1985. He was particularly interested in the management of pediatric pain and, as the Director of the Pain Management, was instrumental in establishing an internationally recognized pediatric pain service. For those fortunate to have worked with him, David was an outstanding practitioner, teacher and role model for both residents and colleagues alike.
Throughout his career David recognized the need for ongoing Continuing Education (CE) programs for practicing anesthetists and maintained a strong commitment to this goal. He organized annual CE programs as well as chaired both the Departmental and Faculty CE Committees. In addition, he was an active member and held various leadership roles in a number of professional organizations including the CAS, CMPA and the Ontario Joint Anesthesia Liaison Committee.
Just prior to his untimely death he was chosen to be the recipient of the CAS Gold medal. This is the highest award within the society and is presented for meritorious service to both the society and the profession.
His commitment to continuing medical education has been recognized within the department and at the university. In 1998, the University of Toronto Continuing Education Department established an annual scholarship in his name and in 2007, the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine established the Dr. David Fear Award for contributions to Continuing Education.
The David Fear Award is awarded for outstanding contributions to continuing medical education and continuing professional development in the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine.
Award Winners
2024 Dr. Lisa Bahrey
2023 Dr. Naiyi Sun
2022 Dr. Michael Dinsmore
2020 Dr. Cristian Arzola
2019 Dr. David Wong
2018 Dr. Anuj Bhatia
2017 Dr. Claude Laflamme
2016 Dr. Jordan Tarshis
2014 Dr. Anahi Perlas
2013 Dr. Lashmi Venkatraghaven
2012 Dr. Jose Carvalho
2011 Dr. Phillip Peng
2010 Dr. Joseph Kay
2009 Dr. Annette Vegas
2008 Dr. Vincent Chan
2007 Dr. Sharon Davies