
Welcome to our Newsletter Archive!

Use this page to stay informed about the latest happenings in the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine with our online newsletter archive! Here, you'll find a collection of our department's past newsletters.

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2024 Newsletters

  • January 2024 — In this issue: "Dr. Nadia Alam Appointed as Faculty Leader for Ontario Anesthesia Human Resource Planning" and "Anesthesia Education and Innovation Grant Recipients Announced," and more!
  • February 2024 — In this issue: "Why the U.S. Department of Defense gave a Toronto company a $356 million contract" and "Study shows simulation-based education improves physicians’ crisis resource management skills across all age groups," and more!
  • March 2024 — In this issue: "Welcome to the Anesthesia Class of 2029!" and "Dr. Karim Ladha is the Evelyn Bateman Recipe Chair in Ambulatory Anesthesia and Women’s Health at WCH," and more!
  • April 2024 — In this issue: "Dr. Keyvan Karkouti reappointed as Anesthesiologist-in-Chief at Sinai Health, University Health Network and Women’s College Hospital" and "Senior Promotions Announced," and more!
  • May 2024 — In this issue: "Highlights of Shields Research Day 2024" and "Dr. Connor Brenna Receives a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship," and more!
  • June 2024 — In this issue: "Congratulations, Anesthesia Grads!" and "Chatting with Class of 2024 Valedictorian, Dr. Bradley Kaminski," and more!

2023 Newsletters

  • March 2023 — In this issue: "Match Day 2023: Anesthesia Class of 2028" and "Dr. David Mazer Receives the Cara Phelan Chair in Critical Care Medicine," and more!
  • April 2023 — In this issue: "Senior Promotions 2023" and "Dr. Lakshmikumar Venkat Raghavan is the new Program Director of the Anesthesia Fellowship Program," and more!
  • May 2023 — In this issue: "Shields Research Day 2023 and Research in Progress" and "The Dr. Vincent and Anne Chan Professorship in Faculty Leadership," and more!
  • June 2023 — In this issue: "ConGRADulations!" and "The TACC Raises $3215 for Brain Health at Bike for Brain Event," and more!
  • August 2023 — In this issue: "Edgy, Dissatisfied, Curious, and Committed" and "In the News: Study suggests patients treated by female surgeons are less likely to suffer post-op complications," and more!
  • September 2023 — In this issue: "Pay it Forward: The Path to the Education & Innovation Grant" and "U of T researchers unveil new preclinical insights into why males are more likely to have severe COVID-19," and more!
  • October 2023 — In this issue: "Dr. Jose Carvalho Receives the 2023 Ontario’s Anesthesiologists’ Distinguished Service Award" and "Team Mount Sinai Hospital wins the 2023 Toronto Anesthesia Sports Day," and more!
  • November 2023 — In this issue: "Dr. Beverley Orser appointed to the Order of Ontario" and "Patients have lower health-care costs with female surgeons, study finds," and more!