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- FAQ: Applying to the Program
FAQ: Applying to the Family Practice Program
1. Who is elligble to apply to the FPA Residency Program?
You must be currently enrolled in a Canadian Family Medicine Residency Program as a PGY-2 Resident and a Canadian Citizen. Alternatively, you must be a Family Physician currently in clinical practice in Canada with funding procured by your provincial government under the Return of Services/Canadian Physicians Reentry funding program.
Learn about Licensing of Physicians from the Province of Ontario
2. Where can I find an application form?
Since the 2016-2017 year, we have moved to an electronic application and will no longer accept physical applications.
Learn about how to apply to the Enhanced Skills Program.
3. Are there any research requirements?
There is no research component in the FPA Residency Program at the University of Toronto.
4. Are any other electives required?
There is no elective block in the FPA Residency Program at the University of Toronto.
5. How many FPA residency spots are available?
The number of positions varies from year to year, depending on funding.