Faculty Development Resources
How to use these resources
As educators, we understand the importance of continuous professional growth and the need for effective strategies to enhance teaching and learning. Whether you're an experienced faculty member seeking new insights or a novice educator eager to strengthen your skills, this resource hub offers a wealth of valuable materials and tools.
Continuing Professional Development
Participation in the MOC Program is a requirement for admission and renewal of Fellowship in the Royal College.
Section 2 Credits : Self-learning
For each journal article that you read and have deemed has had a significant impact on your learning or practice can be recorded individually and receive one (1) credit per article.
Listening/viewing podcasts, audiotapes, videotapes, and reviewing enduring materials or scanning the internet = 0.5 credit per topic searched
The learning acquired while completing additional research and acquiring new learning/knowledge while addressing other CanMEDS roles (Professional, Educator) can be submitted as Personal Learning Projects (PLPs) where you will earn two (2) credits per hour.
Learn more about how to complete a Personal Learning Project.
Department Policies
Supervision and Teaching
Teachers in Difficulty
Effective feedback fosters student engagement and promotes a positive learning environment. Constructive feedback also helps teachers to continually grow and develop their instructional strategies, leading to improved teaching effectiveness.
We've provided some resources on feedback below:
Feedback Case Library
Contained on this page are a collection of feedback scenarios Residents and Faculty encounter in their day-to-day routines.
Understanding the Competence by Design Coaching Model
Transforming Canada’s residency training to align with the realities of 21st century practice.
Enhancing Feedback Culture and Coaching Skills in CBME
This Appendix provides resources, tips and ideas for getting started on projects relating to feedback,
coaching, help-seeking, educational goal-setting, learner handover and mentorship.
Improving the Giving and Receiving of Feedback
A guide on Improving the Giving and Receiving of Feedback by Glover Takahashi, S., Dubé, R., Nayer, M.
Feedback Pocket Card
This pocket card can be printed and kept with you so you always have key feedback tips at your fingers!
Feedback Infographic
How to give effective feedback presented by the Education Hub: