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Anesthesia Care & Pain Medicine

Our country is large and diverse, encompassing 10 million square kilometres. Approximately 21% of Canadians live in rural Canada, yet only 9.4% of physicians work in rural communities. Clinical practice can be challenging as the disease burden is greater, and outcomes are poorer in rural populations. We seek to better train and support, deploy and retain anesthesia care providers who work in rural settings.
We are delighted to share with you the full report of the symposium and some of the lecture videos of the event.
TOPIC | Speakers |
Dr. Beverley Orser and Dr. Ruth Wilson Dean Trevor Young and Dr. David Tannenbaum | |
Address from Her Excellency The Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada | Her Excellency The Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada |
Improving equity of access to health care for our rural communities: The Australian context | Dr. Rodney Mitchell |
Dr. Andrew Kotaska & Ms. Lesley Paulette | |
Dr. Kirk McCarroll & Dr. John McAlpine | |
Dr. Jim Rourke | |
Dr. Mateen Raazi | |
Dr. Julian Wiegelmann & Dr. Fahad Alam |
Please click HERE to view the preliminary program.
If you would like to help promote the event and print our poster, click here to download.
DAY 1 - Friday, November 20 from 4:00 - 7:15 pm (EST)
TIME (EST) | TOPIC | Speaker |
| Welcome Remarks & Acknowledgement of Traditional Lands | Dr. Beverley Orser and Dr. Ruth Wilson |
4:05 - 4:10 pm | Address from Her Excellency The Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada | Her Excellency The Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada |
4:10 - 4:20 pm | Address from Dean Trevor Young and Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto | Dean Trevor Young, Dr. David Tannenbaum |
4:20 - 5:00 pm | KEYNOTE: | Dr. Rodney Mitchell |
5:00 - 5:30 pm | Health Care Equity for all Communities | Dr. Lisa Richardson |
5:30 - 6:00 pm | Rural Practice Models for Obstetric Care | Dr. Andrew Kotaska & Ms. Lesley Paulette |
6:00 - 6:30 pm | Clinical Coaching Programs that Work | Dr. Kirk McCarroll & Dr. John McAlpine |
6:30 - 7:00 pm | How the Sausage is Made | Dr. Joshua Tepper |
7:00 - 7:15 pm | Closing Remarks | Dr. Beverley Orser & Dr. Ruth Wilson |
DAY 2 - Saturday, November 21 from 8:50 am - 3:00 pm (EST)
TIME (EST) | TOPIC | Speaker |
8:50 - 9:00 am | Opening Remarks - Day #2 | Dr. Beverley Orser and Dr. Ruth Wilson |
9:00 – 9:30 am | Setting the Context in Rural Canada | Dr. Jim Rourke |
9:30 - 10:00 am | Anesthesia Workforce | Dr. Mateen Raazi |
10:00 - 10:30 am | The Future Role of Technology in Underesourced | Dr. Julian Wiegelmann & Dr. Fahad Alam |
10:30 - 12:00 pm | Breakout session for Working Groups | see Topics and Workshops section below |
12:00 - 12:20 pm | Lunch Break | - |
12:20 - 2:40 pm | Presentation of recommendations from Working Groups | - |
2:40 - 3:00 pm | Closing Remarks | Dr. Beverley Orser & Dr. Ruth Wilson |
Alam, Fahad | McCarroll, Kirk | Preston, Roanne |
Bourgeault, Ivy | McCartney, Colin | Proulx, Migueal |
Davidson, Taryn | McVicar, Jason | Raazi, Matten |
DeBaker, Julian | Milkovich, Robert | Raheel, Hira |
Enright, Angela | Mitchell, Rodney | Richardson, Lisa |
Errett, Lee | Morris, Gary | Rourke, Jim |
Falk, Ryan | Newbery, Sarah | Simkin, Sarah |
Furstenburg, Dietrich | Ng, Elaine | Stewart, Aviva |
Iglesias, Stuart | Ng, Victor | Stewartz, Pip |
Kamble, Vaibhav | Niazi, Ahtsham | Tannenbaum, David |
Kim, James | Noorani, Alborz | Tromp, Margaret |
Kirkpatrick, Roy | Orser, Beverley | Van der Linde, Enrich |
Kotaska, Andrew | Otombo, Tarimobo | Wieglemann, Julian |
Kurrek, Matthew | Paulette, Lesley | Wilson, Ruth |
McAlpine, John |
1. Anesthesia workforce planning in urban and rural Canada
2. Coaching networks, mentorship and educational opportunities
3. Policy support for rural anesthesia and pain medicine
4. Technology, virtual reality and distance coaching and learning
5. Training and supporting rural generalists (Anesthesia, Obstetrics, Surgery)
6. Rural and remote practice models of care in Canada including allied health professionals
7. Policy through collaboration with national medical societies and government
- Unity for Health: Challanges and opportunities for partnership in health development
- Activating the Partnership Pentagram in Health Systems Change
- General Surgery in Canada: Current scope of practice and future needs
- Surgical task-sharing to non-specialist physicians in low-resource settings globally: A systematic review of the literature
- Anesthesia & Analgesia: Improving access to safe anesthetic care in rural and remove communitites in affluent contries
- CanJAnesth - Developing practice guidelines for anesthesia services in rural Canada: the importance of the family physician perspective
- CMAJ - Canada needs a national strategy for anaesthesia services in rural and remote regions
- BMJ - Survey of the capacity for essential surgery and anaesthesia services in Papua New Guinea
- Lancet - Perioperative and anaesthetic-realted mortality in developed and deloping countries; a systematic review and meta-analysis
The purpose of the meeting is to better understand how the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine at the University of Toronto can better support patients and healthcare workers involved in the provision of anesthesia and pain care in rural Canada. The goal of the evening is to better understand the current landscape of healthcare and service gaps in rural Canada and to identify education and research opportunities. We will also discuss the planning of a 2-day international and interdisciplinary symposium, which will be held in 2020.
Date: January 12, 2020
Time: 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Location: Postgraduate Medical Education Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
500 University Avenue, 6th Floor - Boardroom A
Featured participants include:
- Dr. Ruth Wilson, Co-Chair of the Rural Road Map Implementation Committee (College of Family Physicians of Canada); Professor Emeritus Department of Family Medicine, Queen’s University; rural family physician (Yellowknife)
- Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald, former Director of Medical Affairs in Nunavut, Iqaluit
- Dr. Vaibhav Kamble, Program Director, Family Practice Anesthesia
Thanks to everyone who joined, it was a very successful meeting!
Please consider responding to this anonymous survey prepared by Drs. Matt Kurrek and Roy Kirkpatrick.