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James Emmanuel Teresi

Staff Anesthesiologist, Mount Sinai Hospital, Sinai Health System
Associate Staff Anesthesiologist, Kensington Eye Institute
Honours and Awards
Name: Dr. Gerald Edelist Award
2008 - Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. In recognition of excellence as a clinical teacher of residents in anesthesia. Presented at the 29th Annual Shields Anesthesia Research Day.
Name: Clinical Excellence Award
2011 - Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. In recognition of being an outstanding Clinician within Anesthesia (as chosen by the hospital department’s Faculty, Fellows and Residents). Presented at the 32nd Annual Shields Research Day.
Name: The Wightman-Berris Academy Individual Teaching Excellence Award in Postgraduate Education
2015 to 2016 - Wightman-Berris Academy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. The Individual Teaching Excellence Awards recognize teachers whose outstanding skills have been personally identified by their students.