45th Annual Shields Research Day

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45th Annual Shields Research Day on May 3, 2024

Theme: Collaboration and Innovation in Anesthesia

What is Shields Research Day?

The overall purpose of our Annual Shields Day event is to bring together our clinical faculty, fellows, residents and anesthesia assistants from the University-affiliated hospitals. Shields Research Day aims to provide a forum for updates on and stimulate further research into the frontiers of clinical science with regards to anesthesia and related topics (e.g., critical care management, obstetrical anesthesia, pain management, etc.). We have been growing in recent years!  

We aim to provide an excellent research and training opportunity for Anesthesia faculty, residents, fellows, graduate students, and anesthesia assistants who wish to keep abreast of current research initiatives in the field.

 Our trainees (residents, fellows, and graduate students) are provided with a unique opportunity to experience all the stages of presenting their peer-reviewed work at a scientific meeting, from the abstract writing and submission process to the poster design and oral presentation phase. The Annual Shields Research Day prepares trainees for a future role in academia, under the guidance of experienced faculty mentors.

The goal is to create synergies for collaborative research (both clinical and basic science) that will enhance the work and advance knowledge beyond what each investigator can accomplish independently.  The participants will have an opportunity to discuss topics of interest in the field of anesthesia and gain a better understanding of research methodologies.

Event Details

Key Dates and Deadlines for 2024

  • Call for Abstracts: January 29, 2024
  • Event Registration Opens: March 8, 2024
  • *NEW* Deadline for the Submission of Abstracts: March 15, 2024
  • Successful Applicants are Informed: April 8, 2024
  • Awards Deadline: April 12, 2024
  • *NEW* Event Registration Closes: April 28, 2024
  • Shields Research Day 2024: May 3, 2024


Download the 45th Annual Shields Research Day Program

Keynote Speaker

Sachin Kheterpal
Dr. Sachin Kheterpal

Keynote Address by Sachin Kheterpal, M.D., M.B.A.


Registration is now closed