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Yasmine Hoydonckx

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Dr Yasmine Hoydonckx is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is also a Staff Anesthesiologist and Pain Physician at Toronto Western Hospital, Women’s College Hospital and Sinai Health System. She completed her medical school and anesthesia residency training in Belgium, followed by fellowships in Critical Care Medicine and Chronic Pain management, in Belgium and at the University of Toronto. She obtained the Fellowship in Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP) certification through examination from the World Institute of Pain (WIP) and she is now a member of the Board of Examiners for this examination.
Her clinical and research interests focus on advanced treatments for pain including interventional treatments such as image-guided procedures and neuromodulation. She is also leading the creation of a Craniofacial Pain Program at the Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI). Her research focuses on the evaluation and development of new strategies in the treatment of complex neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain syndromes. She has published on the role of new modes of spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of Complex regional pain Syndrome (CRPS) and the role of ultrasound-guided steroid injections for chronic pain syndromes. She has leadership roles in national pain organizations including being a member of the Board of the Canadian Neuromodulation Society. She has lectured and taught at national and international pain conferences and workshops. She is passionate about developing, evaluating and implementing strategies to improve care for patients with pain. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research at the Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation (IHPME) at the University of Toronto.
Recent Publications
- Hoydonckx Y, Costanzi M., Bhatia A. ‘A systematic review of paresthesia-free spinal cord stimulation for complex regional pain syndrome.’ Canadian Journal of Pain 2019;3:33-48. Principal author.
- Hoydonckx Y, Peng P. Echo-guided invasive therapy: indications and limitations. Curr Opin Anesthesiol. 2018;31:739-748. Principal author.
- Hoydonckx Y, Peng P. Suprascapular nerve block. In: Atchabahian, Feigl, Lirk, editor(s). Regional Anesthesia: Anatomy to Clinical Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Principal author.
- Hoydonckx Y, Peng P. Large joint injections. In Deer T, Pope J, Lamer T, editor(s). Deer’s Treatment of Pain: An Illustrated Guide. New York, USA: Springer; 2019. Principal author.
- Hoydonckx Y, Peng P, Bhatia. Greater and lesser occipital nerve blocks. In: Peng P, Finlayson R, Lee SH, Bhatia A, editor(s). Ultrasound for Interventional Pain Management - An Illustrated Procedural Guide. New York, USA: Springer; 2019. Principal author.
- Bhatia A, Hoydonckx Y, Peng P, Cohen SP. Radiofrequency procedures to relieve hip pain: an evidence-based narrative review. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2018;43:72-83. Coauthor.
- Flamer D, Alakkad H, Soneji N, Tumber P, Peng P, Kara J, Hoydonckx Y, Bhatia A. Evaluation of Two Ultrasound-guided Techniques for Greater Occipital Nerve Injections for Treatment of Chronic Migraines. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2019;44(5):595-603. Coauthor.
- Kumar P, Hoydonckx Y, Peng P., Bhatia A. ‘A review of current denervation techniques for chronic hip pain.’ Current Headache and Pain Reports 2019;1;23(6):3 Coauthor.
- Dekoninck V, Hoydonckx Y, Stessel B. The analgesic efficacy of intravenous regional anesthesia with a forearm versus conventional upper arm tourniquet: a systematic review. BMC Anesthesiol. 2018;18:86. Coauthor.
Staff Anesthesiologist and Pain Physician, University Health Network, Sinai Health System, Women’s College HospitalHonours and Awards
Best Oral Trainee Presentation (2019)
- 11th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Neuromodulation Society
Travel scholarship (2019)
- 11th Annual Meeting of Canadian Neuromodulation Society
Best poster presentation (2019)
- 40th Annual Shield’s Research Day, Department of Anesthesia of University of Toronto
3rd Best free paper presentation (2010)
- 19th Annual conference of European Society of Regional Anesthesia