Winston Wong
Dr. Wong’s primary clinical interest has been pushing the boundaries of excellence in anesthesia in the community setting through leadership positions (Chief of Anesthesia) at St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Toronto from 1995 to 2009 and Scarborough Hospital, Toronto from 2009 to present. Key accomplishments at St. Joseph’s Health Centre include development of a multidisciplinary chronic pain program in conjunction with the acute pain service; establishing hospital wide pain standards and sedation guidelines, guiding the paradigm shift from respiratory therapists (RRT) in the OR to anesthesia assistants (AA) as well as paving the way for a regular rotation of anesthesia residents as part of the teaching curriculum. At Scarborough Hospital, his accomplishments include moving from an OR RT-based model to an internally funded AA model, streamlining orthopedic joint cases using parallel processing and a block room model as well as encouraging closer connections to the University of Toronto through undergraduate clinical clerk and post graduate teaching.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Wong believes that research is what differentiates physicians. His main research interest is in sleep apnea. The Scarborough Hospital Department of Anesthesia has participated in a multi-site research study led by Frances Chung from UHN.
Recent Publications
- P. W. H. Peng, C. Li, E. Farcas, A. Haley, W. Wong, J. Bender and F. Chung. Use of low-dose pregabalin in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Br. J. Anaesth. (2010) 105 (2):155-161.
Corporate Chief of Anesthesia, Scarborough Hospital
Medical Director Acute Pain Service, Scarborough Hospital
Active Staff, Scarborough Hospital
Locum Staff, Mckenzie Health Centre, Richmond Hill
Courtesy Staff, St Joseph’s Health Centre, Toronto
Honours and Awards
Name: Service Excellence Award for Outstanding Leadership
(Chief of Anesthesia SJHC 1995 – 2005)
Name: Sister Marcela Herleby Legend Award
2006 - for staff who demonstrate Mission Values SJHC
Course Number: Undergraduate clinical clerks
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Course Number: Family practice residents at Scarborough Hospital taking optional anesthesia electives
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