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Neilesh Soneji

Research Synopsis
Dr. Soneji’s research has focused on ultrasound guidance techniques as an imaging modality for chronic pain interventions. Research initiatives and collaboration in this area have led to three peer-reviewed publications since his appointment in September of 2013, including a first author publication comparing ultrasound and x-ray guidance for sacroiliac joint injection. He most recently submitted a first author publication on ultrasound guidance for ankle interventions for chronic pain, which has been accepted for publication in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management. This academic work has contributed to the growing body of literature on the role for ultrasound-guided interventions for chronic pain management. In addition, Dr. Soneji has collaborated with colleagues to study the issue of prolonged opioid use after major surgery. Their publication in the British Medical Journal helped provide insights regarding relatively low risk of prolonged opioid use after major surgery, insights that have been very important in the context of growing opioid use in society. Dr. Soneji and his colleagues are currently working on a subsequent stage of the study to help patients and physicians better understand rates and risk factors for prolonged opioid use after major surgery.
Recent Publications
- Soneji N, Bhatia A, Seib R, Dissanayake M, Tumber P, Peng P. Comparison Of Fluoroscopy And Ultrasound Guidance For Sacroiliac Joint Injection In Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain. Pain Practice. 2015 May 19. Principal Author.
- Clarke H, Soneji N, Ko DT, Yun L and Wijeysundera DN. Rates and risk factors for prolonged opioid use after major surgery: population based cohort study. British Medical Journal. 2014 Feb;348:g1251. Coauthor or Collaborator.
- Soneji N, Peng PW. Ultrasound-guided pain interventions – a review of techniques for peripheral nerves. Korean Journal of Pain. 2013 Feb;26(2):111-24. Principal Author.
- Peng PW, Soneji N. Ultrasound-guided intervention for pain management. Pain Management - Future Medicine. 2014 Jan;4(1):13-15. Co-Principal Author.
Chair, Grand Rounds and CME Planning Committee, Postgraduate MD
Chair, Chronic Pain Fellowship Teaching Curriculum, Postgraduate MD
Triage Process Lead - TWH Anesthesia Interventional Program
Chair, Oversight Committee - Post Operative Neurological Deficits After Regional Anesthesia
Honours and Awards
Name: Best Research Project and Poster
2013 - Canadian Interventional Pain Course, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. (Research Award). Soneji N, Seib R, Dissanayake M, Peng P, Tumber P, Bhatia A. A Comparison of Accuracy, Safety and Efficacy of Ultrasound and Fluoroscopic Guidance for Sacroiliac Joint Injection.
Course Number: Arts and Science of Clinical Medicine (ASCM I)
Course Name: Course Teacher
Course Number: Portolio Course. Undergraduate medicine clinical clerkship course.
Course Name: Academy Scholar, Course Teacher
Course Number: Invited Lecturer. 2015 Oct
Course Name: Utrasound Interventions for Chronic Pain. International Society of Ultrasound and Regional Anesthesia (ISURA). Rotterdam, Netherlands
Course Number: Invited Lecturer. 2015 Oct
Course Name: Ultrasound For Shoulder - Diagnostic and Interventional Techniques. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). San Diego, California, United States.
Course Number: Invited Lecturer. 2015 Jun
Course Name: Ultrasound For MSK Ultrasound - Diagnostic and Interventional Techniques. American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA). Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Course Number: Workshop Leader MSK Ultrasound. 2015 Mar
Course Name: Ultrasound for Pain Medicine Course. Jointly organized by Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, University Health Network, Toronto and Canadian Pain Society- Interventional Special Interest Group.
Course Number: Invited Lecturer. 2014 Nov
Course Name: Ultrasound For Shoulder - Diagnostic and Interventional Techniques. American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA). San Francisco, California, United States.