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Justyna Bartoszko

Dr. Bartoszko obtained her Doctor of Medicine from the University of Toronto (2013) and MSc Clinical Epidemiology from the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto (2017). She completed her anesthesia residency at the University of Toronto and obtained her Fellowship, Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC) in Anesthesiology (2019) having been enrolled in the highly competitive and prestigious Clinician Investigator Program. She completed a cardiovascular anesthesia clinical fellowship at the Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network. Her clinical area of focus is cardiovascular anesthesia. Areas of research focus include blood management, treatment of coagulopathy in the perioperative setting, and the association of preoperative risk factors and anesthesia interventions with patient outcomes.
Recent Publications
1. Bartoszko, J., Thorpe, K. E., Laupacis, A., Wijeysundera, D. N., METS Study Investigators, International and National Coordinators, Central Project Office Operations Committee, CPET Methods Committee, Outcome Adjudication Committee, & International Steering Committee (2019). Association of preoperative anaemia with cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and postoperative outcomes in noncardiac surgery: a substudy of the Measurement of Exercise Tolerance before Surgery (METS) Study. British journal of anaesthesia, 123(2), 161–169.
2. Bartoszko, J., Wijeysundera, D. N., Karkouti, K., Callum, J., Rao, V., Crowther, M., Grocott, H. P., Pinto, R., Scales, D. C., Achen, B., Brar, S., Morrison, D., Wong, D., Bussières, J. S., de Waal, T., Harle, C., de Médicis, É., McAdams, C., Syed, S., Tran, D., … Transfusion Avoidance in Cardiac Surgery Study Investigators (2018). Comparison of Two Major Perioperative Bleeding Scores for Cardiac Surgery Trials: Universal Definition of Perioperative Bleeding in Cardiac Surgery and European Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Bleeding Severity Grade. Anesthesiology, 129(6), 1092–1100.
3. Bartoszko, J., & Karkouti, K. (2017). Can predicting transfusion in cardiac surgery help patients?. British journal of anaesthesia, 119(3), 350–352.
4. McCluskey, S. A., & Bartoszko, J. (2020). The chloride horse and normal saline cart: the association of crystalloid choice with acid base status and patient outcomes in kidney transplant recipients. Chlorure et solution normal salin, ou le cheval et la charrue : l’association entre le choix de la solution cristalloïde et l’équilibre acide-base et les devenirs des patients récipiendaires de greffe rénale. Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie, 67(4), 403–407.
Honours and Awards
Name: Society for the Advancement of Blood Management Research GrantDescription:
2020 - Society for the Advancement of Blood Management
Name: Best Paper in Perioperative Medicine
2017 - Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Annual Meeting
Name: Best Presentation in Health Measurement and Reporting
2017 - University of Toronto Institute of Health policy, Management and Evaluation Research Day