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Hedieh Hooshangi

Dr. Hooshangi has been practicing anesthesia since 1994 and has worked in all subspecialty fields. Her subspecialty is in ambulatory anesthesia with a special interest in regional anesthesia and different types of nerve blocks being performed under ultrasound guidance. Another major area of interest is different airway devices, their usage, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each device. She has studied a number of these airway devices and has published a review article on the topic.
Delivering TIVA and using different methods and medications is an attractive area of administering anesthesia to her patients. With growing awareness about importance of pain control, she considers perioperative pain control as one of our important tasks for our patients.
In her daily practice, she has always enjoyed training anesthesia assistants and has received multiple awards for training and mentoring anesthesia assistants. As a full-time staff member, apart from daily clinical duties, Dr. Hooshangi supervises and teaches residents and medical students. Also, as a member of the medical education and research committee of the hospital, Dr. Hooshangi helps to ensure that trainees meet Canadian standards.
Recent Publications
- Brief review: The Cobra Perilaryngeal Airway (CobraPLA®) and the Streamlined Liner of Pharyngeal Airway (SLIPA™) supraglottic airways , Hoosnangi H, Wong D Can J Anesth , March 2008 , Volume 55 , Issue 3 , pp 177-185
Honours and Awards
Name: Preceptor Recognition Award – Mentor of the Year
2015, 2010
Name: Partnership Medical Student Placement Recognition
Name: Medical Staff Teaching Award
2004, 2003, 2002
Course Number: Clinical Anesthesia to Anesthesia and ER Residents
Course Name: (RVHS) 2007 to date
Course Number: Clinical Anesthesia and Airway Management to AAs and RTs
Course Name: (RVHS) 2007 to date
Course Number: Airway Management to Paramedics
Course Name: (RVHS) 2007 to date
Course Number: ACLS and Airway Management to Medical and Nursing Staff
Course Name: (Iran) 2001-2004
Course Number: Clinical Anesthesia and Airway Management to Anesthesia Technicians
Course Name: (Iran) 1995-2000