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Assistant Professor
Coimbatore Srinivas

University Health Network - Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street, 3EN-464, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 2C4
Research Interests
transplant surgery
Clinical Interests
cardiovascular anesthesia, hyperbaric medicine, transplant anesthesia
contact faculty member for more information
Recent Publications
- Transversus abdominis plane block following abdominally based breast reconstruction: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Zhong T, Ojha M, Bagher S, Butler K, O'Neill AC, McCluskey SA, Clarke H, Hofer SO, Srinivas C. Trials. 2013 Dec 10;14:424.
- Transversus abdominis plane block reduces morphine consumption in the early postoperative period following microsurgical abdominal tissue breast reconstruction: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial. Zhong T, Ojha M, Bagher S, Butler K, Srinivas C, McCluskey SA, Clarke H, O'Neill AC, Novak CB, Hofer SO. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Nov;134(5):870-8.
- Surgically-placed abdominal wall catheters on postoperative analgesia and outcomes after live liver donation. Khan J, Katz J, Montbriand J, Ladak S, McCluskey S, Srinivas C, Ko R, Grant D, Bradbury A, LeManach Y, Clarke H. Liver Transpl. 2014
- Anesthetic management of a patient with arginase deficiency undergoing liver transplantation. Mace H, Srinivas C, Selzner M, Minkovich L. A A Case Rep. 2014 Oct 1;3(7):85-7
- Reliability of a point-of-care device for international normalized ratio testing during the three surgical phases of orthotopic liver transplantation: a retrospective observational study. Mace HS, Lightfoot NJ, Cordero-Rochet MJ, Srinivas C, Karkouti K, McCluskey SA. Can J Anaesth. 2015 Mar;62(3):258-64
Deputy Chief; University Health Network - Toronto General Hospital
Fellowship Director; University Health Network - Toronto General Hospital
Course Number: Chemotherapeutic and immunosuppressive agents
Course Name: Anesthesia residents
Course Number: CSF drainage and spinal cord protection
Course Name: Fellows
Course Number: Conscious sedation for cardiac procedures
Course Name: Anesthesia assistants
Course Number: Clinical teaching in the operating room
Course Name: