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Angela Jerath

Dr. Jerath research and teaching interests lie within the disciplines of critical care medicine and cardiac anesthesia. Key areas of research include the use and safety of volatile agents for critical care sedation, development of gas scavenging techniques within the intensive care unit and tranexamic acid pharmacokinetic modeling for cardiac surgical patients using the technique of solid phase microextraction.
She maintains a key education interest in perioperative echocardiography and has taught in many critical care transthoracic ultrasound courses, co-produced a 3D transesophageal handbook and created teaching modules for the University of Toronto’s Perioperative Interactive Education (PIE) website.
Dr. Jerath is an active volunteer in overseas educational courses and engaged in physician training in Nepal and Ethiopia.
Recent Publications
- Jerath, A., Beattie W. S., Djaiani G., Chandy T., Yau T., Rao V. & Wasowicz M. (2015). Volatile-based short term sedation in cardiac surgical patients: A prospective randomized controlled trial. Critical Care Medicine, 43(5), 1062-9.
- Yang Qi., Jerath A., Wasowicz M., Bies R. R. & Pang K. S. (2015). Adjustment of tranexamic acid dosing based on pharmacokinetic modeling and simulations for patients undergoing cardiac surgery with normal or impaired renal function. Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition, 36(5), 294-307.
- Ng W. C., Jerath A. & Wasowicz M. (2015). Tranexamic acid: a clinical review. Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther. 47(4), 339-350.
- Sharma V., Katznelson R., Jerath A., Carroll J., Wasowicz M. & Djaiani G. (2014). The association between tranexamic acid and convulsive seizures after cardiac surgery: a multivariate analysis in 11 529 patients. Anaesthesia, 69(2), 124-130.
- Wąsowicz M., Jerath A. (2014). Expanding the use of volatile anesthetic agents beyond the operating room. Can J Anaesth, 61(10), 905-908.
Honours and Awards
Name: Merit Award, Department of Anesthesia, University of TorontoDescription:
2015 - Distinct Insights into Acute Care Medicine
Name: Alternate Funding Plan, MSH UHN Academic Medical Organization
2013 - Use of volatile for long-term sedation in critical care patients
Name: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
2013 - Plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetics in patients with renal impairment undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery
Name: Dean’s Fund, University of Toronto
2013 - Plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetics in patients with renal impairment undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery
Course Number: Critical Care and FOCUS Ultrasound coursesCourse Name: all levels
Course Number: Echocardiography teaching modules for Perioperative Interactive Education website
Course Name:
Course Number: Perioperative 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography Handbook (2012)
Course Name:
Course Number: Volatile-based critical care sedation
Course Name: all levels