Past Shields Day Lectures


The 45th Annual Shields Research Day was held on Friday, May 3, 2024. The event was a resounding success, with more than 300 attendees. Here is a recap of the highlights.


The event was graced by the esteemed presence of two remarkable speakers:

  • Dr. Sachin Kheterpal’s presentation was titled "Lessons Learned When Using Data to Collaborate and Improve Care.” Key points included the importance of using data as a foundation for collaboration and innovation, ensuring data quality before analytics, and, of course, patience.
  • Dr. Karim Ladha’s presentation was titled “Opioids, Cannabis, and Psychedelics: Important Therapeutics or Just Getting High," where he provided examples of ongoing studies that re-purposed existing drugs for therapeutic purposes and highlighted the need for further investigation into the area.

Learn more about Shields Research Day 2024.

Past Shields Research Days


The 44th Annual Shield's Research Day was held on Friday, May 5, 2023.

Keynote Speaker and Other Presentations

Dr Steven Shafer

Keynote Address by Dr Steven Shafer on "The Problem with P Brains"


Dr. Shafer received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and his medical degree from Stanford University. Dr. Shafer has been a member of the Stanford Faculty since 1988. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine.

Dr. Shafer’s primary research interests are pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models of intravenous anesthetic drugs. Dr. Shafer’s algorithms and software for computerized delivery of intravenous anesthetics are the basis of all commercial TCI systems.

From 2006-2016 Dr. Shafer served as the Editor-in-Chief of Anesthesia & Analgesia. Dr. Shafer was the first editor of an anesthesiology journal to mandate statistical review of every manuscript. During his tenure as EIC Dr. Shafer identified the most prolific fraudsters in biomedicine: Joachim Boldt and Yoshitaka Fujii. His work in research integrity included development of statistical methods to identify research fraud. By the end of his tenure as EIC Dr. Shafer had retracted more papers for research fraud than any previous editor of a medical journal.

Dr. Shafer currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the ASA Monitor. He has published over 200 peer reviewed papers and over 100 additional reviews and editorials. Dr. Shaferis founder or cofounder of two public corporations, Pharsight and Pharmacofore. He is funded by multiple research grants, including a program project looking at the analgesic effects of oxytocin.

Learning objectives

  • The learner will understand common misinterpretations and misrepresentations of p values.
  • The learner will understand the role of Bayesian inference on statistical interpretation of data.
  • The learner will understand why scientists and journals prize irreproducible novelty over reproducible discovery.
  • The learner will understand the evidence that much of the medical literature cannot be reproduced.
  • The learner will understand how to distinguish likely truth from likely fiction in science.

Other Presentations

Lecture by Dr. Hannah Wunsch on "From Polio to COVID-19: An Origin Story"


Dr. Hannah Wunsch is an intensive care physician in the Department of Critical Care Medicine at Sunnybrook Hospital and Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine and the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is the Associate Director of Critical Care Research at the University of Toronto and holds a Canada Research Chair in Critical Care Organization and Outcomes. She is the author of the book, The Autumn Ghost: How the Battle Against a Polio Epidemic Revolutionized Modern Medical Care.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the epidemiology of polio
  • Distinguish the benefits of positive versus negative pressure ventilation
  • Understand how polio changed medical care

Lecture by Dr. Kat Butler on “Perioperative care of trans and gender diverse patients”.


Dr. Kat Butler is a senior anesthesia resident at the University of Toronto, with an interest in mobilizing medical education to improve care for trans patients. They have a background in qualitative research and emergency nursing, and completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees at McGill and undergraduate medical studies at McMaster. Outside of clinical work, Kat is a parent, a member of the PARO board of directors, and can be found biking, gardening, knitting, and studying.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop familiarity with principles of competent care for trans patients
  • Gain an overview of the current state of evidence regarding perioperative care of trans patients
  • Identify areas of practice change in their own practice or clinical setting to improve the experiences of their trans patients

Learn more about Shields Research Day 2023.


The 43rd Annual Shield's Research Day was held on Friday, May 6, 2022.

Keynote Speakers:

Philip J. Devereaux, MD, PhD
Salim Yusuf Chair in Cardiology
Director, Division of Cardiology and Scientific Leader of
the Anesthesiology
Professor, Department of Medicine and Health Research
Methods, Evidence, and Impact McMaster University

“Does Virtual Care With Remote Automated Monitoring (RAM) Technology Have The Potential To Represent A New Paradigm To Improve Surgical Safety?”

Early Career Professorship Lecture:
Dr. Neil Goldenberg, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

“Building a World-Class Pulmonary Hypertension Research Hub”

Dr. John Peel, MD
Senior Anesthesia Resident
Leading Member, Clinical Investigator Program
Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
University of Toronto

View more highlights from the 2022 Shields Research Day.




Promotional Banner for 2021 Research Day

The 42nd Annual Shields Research Day, which was held virtually on May 7, 2021.

The event showcased some of the best of our science and innovation research. The keynote speakers also shared their insightful perspective and commitments to improving the delivery of healthcare in our learning environments.

Keynote Speakers:

Dr. George A. Mashour, MD, PhD
Robert B. Sweet Professor and Chair, Anesthesiology
Co-Director, Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research
Scientific Director, Center for Consciousness Science

"The Anesthesiologist as Translational Scientist"

Dr. Matthew C. Wixson, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Associate Chair for Diversity
University of Michigan

"Speak Up, Reach out, Look within."

Dr. John Peel, MD
Senior Anesthesia Resident
Leading Member, Clinical Investigator Program
Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
University of Toronto



The 41st Annual Shields Research Day, which was schedule for May 8, 2020 and was postponed until November 11, 2020. We will host the first-ever virtual Shields Day!

For the first time in 41 years we didn’t enjoy the tradition of getting together as a community, but celebrated the academic life of our department and recognized  our outstanding educators. Also for the first time, our alumni was invited to join. The event showcased some of the best of our science including over 50 abstracts and we had the pleasure of the following keynote speakers at the event.

Dr. Haibo Zhang, MD PhD
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Toronto
"Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as a SARS-CoV-2 receptor in therapeutic target in COVID-19"

Dr. Dominique Piquette, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
"High- Quality Medical Education Research: Opportunities and Challanges"

Dr. Angela Jerath, MSc, FRCPC, FANZCA, MD, BSC
Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, Univesity of Toronto
"Volatile-based sedation for ICU patients: Shifting the paradigm in sedation care"


If you missed or would like to revsit the event, feel free to download the following:


Dr. Danielle Martin, MD, CCFP, FCFP, MPP

Executive Vice-President & Chief Medical Executive, WCH Institute for Health System and Virtual Care

You can view the Shields Day presentation slides HERE.

We invite you to view the PHOTOS from our 40th Annual Research Day event


Irene Tracey

Professor Irene Tracey MA (Oxon), D.Phil., FRCA, FMedSci

Chair of Anaesthetic Science, Oxford University
Head, Nuffield Department of Clnical Neurosciences, Oxford University



Dr. Hugh Hemmings photo

Hugh C. Hemmings Jr., MD, Ph.D, FRCA

Joseph F. Artusio Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology, Professor of
Pharmacology, Anesthesiologist-in-Chief, New York, Presbyterian

Hospital-Weill Cornell

The Synaptic Pharmacology of General Anesthesia




Evan D. Kharasch, MD, Ph.D

Russel and Mary Shelden Professor of Anesthesiology
Director, Division of Clinical Trials and Translational Research

Department of Anesthesiology, Washington University in St. Louis

Perioperative Application of Long-Duration Opioids



Emery Brown


Emery N. Brown, MD, Ph.D

Warren M. Zapol Professor of Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School
Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and

Computational Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Brain Under General Anaesthesia



Alex Evers

Alex Evers, MD

Henry E. Mallinckrodt Professor of Anesthesiology Washington
University School of Medicine
Head of Department of Anesthesiology

Anesthetic Binding Sites in Brain: New Methods, New Targets,
New Insights



Todd Dorman

Todd Doorman, MD

Professor & Vice Chair
Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
John Hopkins University School of Medicine

Continuing Medical Education: The Link Between Physician
Learning and Health Care Outcomes



Mervyn Maze

Mervyn Maze, MD

William K. Hamilton MB ChB, Distinguished Professor fo Anesthesiology
Professor & Chair of Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
University of California, San Francisco

Why do patients get Postoperative Cognitive Decline?



Lee Fleisher

Lee Fleisher, MD

Robert Dunning Dripps Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Chair, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
University of Pennsylvania Health System
Consulting Professor of Anesthesiology, Duke University

Optimizing Perioperative Outcomes: Risk Assessment, Patient
Preferences and Performance Measures



James Eisenach

James Eisenach, MD

Vice-Chairman for Research in the Department of Anesthesiology
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Editor-in-Chief of Anesthesioloy

Anesthesiology: Challanges and Changes in the Journal for the Next 5 years



Mark Warner

Mark Warner, MD

Professor of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Dean of the Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education
Director and President of the American Board of Anesthesiology

How New Technologies and Practices Will Influence Perioperative Safety



Charles Natanson

Charles Natanson, MD

Senior Investigator and Head, Anesthesia Section, NIH Clinical Center

Unintended Consequences of Randomization in Clinical Trials



Daniel Sessler

Daniel Sessler, MD, Ph.D

Chair, Department of OUTCOMES RESEARCH at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Lolita & Samuel Weakley Professor of Anesthesiology
Director of the OUTCOMES RESEARCH Institute at the University of Louisville

OUTCOMES RESEARCH - Moving from Physiology to Large Scale Outcomes



Peter Moore

Peter Moore, MD, Ph.D

Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
University of California, Davis


The Perfection of Man: Advances in Science, Medicine and Technology