Mount Sinai Hospital is an academic centre of excellence affiliated with the University of Toronto. The Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship offers advanced clinical training, teaching, and research in a setting that delivers more than 7,000 women per year.
This is a tertiary care hospital with an interesting and challenging case mix. Approximately 50% of patients are classified as high-risk. There is a well-developed OB Anesthesia clinic and peer-reviewed, funded research in progress.
Program objectives (in both the one- and two-year fellowships) can be tailored to suit the career plans of the individual.
Applicants can apply using the online platform:
Dr. Ronald George
Director, Obstetrical Anesthesia
Mount Sinai Hospital
600 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1X5
P: (416) 586-4800 x 2681