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Assistant Professor
Zoe Unger

University Health Network - Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst Street, McL2-405, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5T 2S8
Research Interests
education, simulation
Clinical Interests
neuroanesthesia, perioperative patient management, regional anesthesia & ultrasound
contact faculty member for more information
Recent Publications
- Lorello G., Hicks C., Ahmed S., Unger Z., Chandra D., Hayter M. (2015) Mental practice: a simple tool to enhance team-based trauma resuscitation. CJEM, April 10:1-7.
- Dumont L, Dumont D, Unger Z, Siegel A, Szczepiorkowski Z, Corson J, Jones M, Christoffel T, Pellham E, Bailey S, Slichter S; BEST Collaborative. (2011) A randomized controlled trial comparing autologous radiolabeled in vivo platelet (PLT) recoveries and survivals of 7-day-stored PLT-rich plasma and buffy coat PLTs from the same subjects. Transfusion. June; 51(6):1241-8.
- Unger Zm, Dumont D, Dumont L. Preparation of Single Unit Platelets by the PRP and Buffy Coat Methods. American Association of Blood Banks. Abstract only. 2010.
- Unger Z, Gonzalez J, Hanissian P, Schned A. (2009) Pseudolipomatosis in hysteroscopically resected tissues from the gynecologic tract: pathologic description and frequency. Am J Surg Pathol. Aug; 33(8): 1187-90.
Staff Anesthesiologist, Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network
Honours and Awards
Name: Laws Travel Award
2013 - University of Toronto
Name: Anesthesia Resident and Fellows Tuition Award
2011-2012, 2012-2013 - University of Toronto
Name: Student Pathology Fellowship
2007-2008 - Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Centre
Name: Albert Schweitzer Fellowship
2005-2006 - Dartmouth Medical School
Course Number: Resident education
Course Name:
Course Number: Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LInC) mentor
Course Name: undergraduate medical education