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Oskar Singer

Research Synopsis
Key interests of Dr. Singer include addressing identified quality and safety deficiencies in clinical practice by implementing quality improvement (QI) methodologies such as plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles and Six Sigma, a model that strives to improve the quality by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability. When implementing solutions for identified quality and safety deficiencies, Dr. Singer has a focused interest on implementing novel technological solutions such as reference databases and electronic safeguard to improve the quality of care being delivered.
Outside of QI, Dr. Singer has a strong interest in medical education at all levels from undergraduate to continuing education. His specific interest includes developing, implementing and researching the use of module based online learning to modernize education. These interests include the identification of effective methods for teaching hands-on skills such as those in regional and obstetric anesthesia.
Course Number: Resident EducationCourse Name: Seminar coordinator and lecturer
Course Number: E-Learning
Course Name: Head developer and facilitator of E-Learning modules (
Course Number: Undergraduate Education
Course Name: Portfolio facilitator
Course Number: CME
Course Name: Regional Anesthesia workshop facilitator