Associate Professor  |  Staff Anesthetist

Neil Goldenberg

Anesthesia - Scientist-Track Investigator, Program in Cell Biology


The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 1X8
Research Interests
Pulmonary Hypertension, Vascular inflammation, Autoimmunity, Macrophage
Clinical Interests
pediatric anesthesia
Appointment Status

Research Synopsis

Neil received his MD and PhD from The University of Toronto. He completed his anesthesia residency at The University of Toronto within the Clinician-Investigator Program, and carried out a postdoctoral fellowship under Dr. Wolfgang Kuebler at St. Michael’s Hospital. Neil then finished a clinical fellowship in pediatric anesthesia at The Hospital for Sick Children.

Neil’s laboratory group studies pulmonary vascular inflammation. Pulmonary hypertension is a devastating disease of the lung vasculature, arising from a variety of conditions, which carries a high overall and perioperative mortality rate. Neil’s research uses patient-derived tissues, as well as translational rodent and in vitro model systems to investigate the immunological underpinnings of this disease. Specifically, we investigate the involvement of B cell dysfunction and autoimmunity, as well as macrophage biology, in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension. Our central aim is to deepen our understanding of the immunobiology of pulmonary hypertension with an eye toward developing novel immune-therapeutics for this disease.


Recent Publications


  1. Goldenberg NM, Steinberg BE. Inflammation drives pulmonary arterial hypertension. (2018) Anesthesiology in press.
  2. Hu Y, Zabini D, Gu W, Breitling S, Goldenberg NM, Kabir G, Connelly K, Kuebler WM. (2018). The role of the human immune system in chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Am J Resp Crit Care Med, 198(4), 528-531.
  3. Breitling S, Zhang H, Zabini D, Hu Y, Hoffmann J, Goldenberg NM, Buelow R, Kuebler WM.  (2017). The mast cell - B-cell axis in lung vascular remodeling and pulmonary hypertension.  Am J Physiol – Lung, 312(5), L710-721.
  4. Goldenberg NM, Kuebler WM. Endothelial cell regulation of pulmonary vascular tone, inflammation and coagulation. (2015). Comprehensive Physiology 5(2), 531-559.
  5. Tabeling C, Yu H, Wang L, Ranke H, Goldenberg NM, Zabini  D, Noe E, Krauszman A, Gutbier B, Yin J, Schaefer M, Arenz C, Hocke AC, Suttorp N, Proia RL, Witzenrath M, Kuebler WM.  CFTR and sphingolipids mediate hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.  (2015). Proc Nat Acad Sci. 112(13), E1614-23.
  6. Goldenberg NM, Wang L, Ranke H, Tabuchi A, Liedtke W, Kuebler WM.  TRPV4 is required for hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. (2015). Anesthesiology 122(6), 1338-48.
  7. Goldenberg NM, Steinberg BE, Wijeysundera D, Kavanagh BP.  Lung Protective Ventilation in the Operating Room: Time to Implement? (2014) Anesthesiology. 121(1), 184-8.
  8. Goldenberg NM, Steinberg BE, Slutsky AS, Lee WL.  Broken Barriers:  A New Take On Sepsis Pathogenesis.  (2011) Sci. Transl. Med. 3(88), 88ps25.


Honours and Awards



  1. IARS Mentored Research Award, 2018
  2.  Abstract Scholarship, Pulmonary Circulation Assembly, American Thoracic Society (2105, 2017