Marcus Wong
Dr. Wong served as the lead for the development of the Acute Pain Service at St. Joseph’s Health Centre. He is currently a resource for developing standards and guidelines on acute pain control modalities including intravenous patient controlled analgesia (IV PCA) and epidural analgesia. He is also the lead in the development of the annual pain symposium for staff and physicians at St. Joseph’s, an educational series organized by the hospital wide Pain Management Committee, on which he serves as co-chair. Dr. Wong was a panelist for issues related to anesthesia and analgesia for the hip and knee replacements section of the Ontario Wait Times Strategy program, for improving access through reducing wait times to key services.
Dr. Wong has developed and coordinated continued medical education events and rounds for the Department of Anesthesia at St. Joseph’s, as well as organized multi-disciplinary grand rounds with the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medicine and General Surgery. He has presented to the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) on issues related to patient safety and medication errors, and physician management of opioids in patients with chronic non-malignant pain.
Active Staff, Department of Anesthesia, St. Joseph’s Health Centre
Courtesy Staff, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga Hospital and Queensway Health Centre
Courtesy Staff, The Scarborough Hospital
Honours and Awards
Name: Clinical Excellence Award
2012 - Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Course Number: Preceptor for Clinical Electives in Anesthesia
Course Name: coordinated through Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto - for Visiting Medical Students including from University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, McMaster University, and McGill University
Course Number: Preceptor for Trainees in Anesthesia Assistant Program
Course Name: The Michener Institute
Course Number: Clinical Teaching
Course Name: Anesthesia Residents and Off-service Residents (Paediatrics/ Critical Care/Emergency Medicine)