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Farrukh Munshey

Dr. Munshey completed his undergraduate and medical training at UBC, anesthesiology residency at the U of S and pediatric anesthesia fellowship at Stanford. He is a clinician teacher with research interests in pediatric regional anesthesia, POCUS and non-pharmacologic technology to reduce perioperative anxiety in children. He has incorporated in his clinical practice the use of facial plane blocks, ultrasound for difficult IV access and virtual reality/augmented reality as a tool for reducing perioperative anxiety in children.
Recent Publications
1. Munshey F, Caruso TJ, Wang E, et al. Programmed Intermittent Bolus Regimen for Erector Spinae Plane Blocks in Children: A Retrospective Review of a Single Institution’s Experience. Anesth Analg. March 2020; 130 (3): e63-66.
2. Munshey F, Parra DA, McDonnell C et al. Ultrasound Guided Techniques for Peripheral Intravenous Placement in Children with Difficult Venous Access. Paediatr Anaesth. February 2020; 30 (2): 108-115.
3. Caruso TJ, Rama A, Knight L, Ralph Gonzales C, Munshey F et al. Operating Room Codes Redefined: A Highly Reliable Model Integrating the Core Hospital Code Team. PQS. June 2019; 4(3): e172.
4. Tsui BCH, Fonseca A, Munshey F, et al. The erector spinae plane (ESP) block: a pooled review of 242 cases. J Clin Anesth. Mar 2019; 53: 29-34.
5. Caruso TJ, Munshey F, Aldorfer, B, et al. Safety Stop: A Valuable Addition to the Pediatric Universal Protocol. In press by Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. Sept 2018; 44(9): 552-6.
6. Munshey F, Ramamurthi RJ, Tsui BCH. Early experience with PECS 1 block for Port-a-Cath Insertion or Removal in Children at a single institution. J Clin Anesth. Sept 2018; 49: 63-4.
7. Lin C, Munshey F, Tsui BCH. A Novel and Simple Setup for Positioning the Lower Extremity Using Commonly Accessible Equipment. Reg Anesth Pain Med. July 2018; 43(5): 561-2.
8. Rodriguez S, Munshey F, Caruso TJ. Augmented Reality for Intravenous Access in an Autistic Child with Difficult Access. Paediatr Anaesth. June 2018; 28(6):569-70.
9. Munshey, F; Rodriguez, S; Diaz, E, et al. Continuous erector spinae plane block for an open pyeloplasty in an infant. J Clin Anesth. June 2018; 47: 47-9.
10. Munshey F, Tsui BCH. Continuing Education: From FRCPC to ACGME Fellowship. Can J. Anaesth. May 2018; 65(5): 592-3.
Staff Anesthesiologist, Hospital for Sick ChildrenHonours and Awards
Name: Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation Fellowship Fund AwardDescription:
2017 - Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation Fellowship Fund Award
Name: Canadian Anesthesiologist’s Society Bev Leech Conference
2015 - 1st place Oral Presentation Award
Name: University of Saskatchewan Life and Health Sciences Research Day
2015 - 1st place Oral Presentation Award
Name: University of Saskatchewan Department of Surgery and Anesthesiology, Resident Research Day
2015 - 2nd place Oral Presentation Award
Name: Networking World Anesthesia Convention
2015 - Top Scoring Abstract
Name: International Resident Leadership Summit
2014 - Provincial Resident Representative