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Brian Pollard

Dr. Pollard’s academic focus is directed towards exploring aspects of learning, teaching, and program development for ultrasound, regional anesthesia, and medical education to promote improved educational and patient care pathways. He has been recognized for excellence in education and clinical innovation, and has written two texts in the field of ultrasound and regional anesthesia practice.
Recent Publications
- Pollard, B.A. Регионарная анестезия под контролем (Russian Translation of ‘Ultrasound for Vascular Access and Regional Anesthesia’). Moscow: Geotar Publishing, 2014.
- Pollard, B.A. Ultrasound for Vascular Access and Regional Anesthesia. Toronto: Thistle Press, 2012.
- Pollard, B.A., Chan, V.W.S. An Introductory Curriculum For Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia: A Learner’s Guide. Toronto: Thistle Press, 2009.
- Pollard, B.A. (2008). New Model for Learning Ultrasound-Guided Needle to Target Localization. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 33, 4, 360-362.
Honours and Awards
Name: Dr. G. Edelist Post-Graduate Award for Teaching ExcellenceDescription:
2013 - Department of Anesthesia, University of Toronto
Name: Dr. W. Noble Clinical Fellow Teaching Award
2010, 2014 - Department of Anesthesia, St. Michael's Hospital
Name: Dr. A.J. Dunn Resident Teaching Award
2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 - Department of Anesthesia, St. Michael's Hospital
Ontario Provincial Innovation Funds Grant for “Post-Operative Analgesia with Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Catheter after Foot and Ankle, or Shoulder Surgery in Ambulatory Patients”. 2012-2013.