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Azad Mashari

Research Synopsis
Dr. Mashari’s current research is primarily focused on perioperative echocardiography education and quality improvement as well as the application of 3-dimensional imaging, modeling and printing technologies in medical education.
The increasing appreciation of the value of echocardiography for intra-operative monitoring in a growing range of complex surgical procedures creates a need for evidence-based indications, techniques, measurements, quality control and educational protocols to ensure the optimal translation of this technology into safe and effective patient care. Increasingly accessible and powerful 3D post-processing, modeling and printing technologies, many based on non-proprietary, free/libre development models, have opened up a vast range of possible applications for improving our understanding of the physiologic significance of echocardiographic findings. They also provide us with a powerful medium for educational use whose applications are only beginning to be explored.
Recent Publications
- Mashari, A., Minty, R., Minty, L., Hopman, W. M., & Kelly, L. (2012). Epidural steroid injections for low back pain in rural practice: a 5-year retrospective study. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine: The Official Journal of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada = Journal Canadien de La Médecine Rurale: Le Journal Officiel de La Société de Médecine Rurale Du Canada, 17(4), 127–134.
- Rochon, P. A., Mashari, A., Cohen, A., Misra, A., Laxer, D., Streiner, D. L., … Binns, M. A. (2004). Relation between randomized controlled trials published in leading general medical journals and the global burden of disease. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal de l’Association Medicale Canadienne, 170(11), 1673–1677.
- Rochon, P. A., Mashari, A., Cohen, A., Misra, A., Laxer, D., Streiner, D. L., … Gold, J. (2004). The inclusion of minority groups in clinical trials: problems of under representation and under reporting of data. Accountability in Research, 11(3-4), 215–223.
• Active Staff, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, Toronto General Hospital, University Health NetworkHonours and Awards
Name: Alan Laws Travel Fellowship AwardDescription:
2013 - Department of Anesthesia, University of Toronto
Course Number: Perioperative Trans-esophageal EchocardiographyCourse Name: