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Alex Yeung

Alex Yeung is a Staff Anesthesiologist at Markham Stouffville Hospital, who is also involved in perioperative education and scheduling, with a strong focus on optimizing patient care -- safely, efficiently, and effectively. Dr. Yeung was initially educated in Engineering Chemistry at Queen's University, followed by a Master's in Biomedical Engineering at McMaster University. He then pursued his Doctor of Medicine at Queen's University, and completed his Anesthesiology residency at the University of Toronto. He has a special interest in medical innovation, in part due to his engineering background. His research roles have ranged from academic to commercial positions, and include the programming of bioinformatics tools, studying the angioarchitecture of prostatectomy specimens using microCT, and enhancing a novel biomaterial to control the release of a thrombolytic agent. He holds patents on a device to reduce the incidence and severity of drug administration errors.
Recent Publications
Yeung, A.K., Atri, M., Sugar, L., & Klotz, L. (2011). Feasibility and safety of silicone rubber contrast-enhanced microcomputed tomography in evaluating the angioarchitecture of prostatectomy specimens. Transl Oncol. 4(3), 173-7.
Staff Anesthesiologist, Markham Stouffville HospitalHonours and Awards
- Dr. Joseph and Mary Louise Parisi (academic) Award in Medicine
- Radiological Society of North America Research Medical Student Grant
- Queen’s University J.D. Hatcher Award (research)
- CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarships Master’s Award
- NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards in Industry
- Queen’s University Chancellor’s Scholarship