Documentation Checklist, Instructions and Templates

Promotion Dossier Requirements (Associate and Full Professor Rank)

Deadline: May 15

Please note that documents should be submitted to

  • Senior Promotion: Promotion Candidate Information Form

Complete the Promotion Candidate Information Form and submit to when you are ready to commit to applying.

  • Document Naming

Please organize your documents effectively. Use a numeral (1, 2, 3) at the beginning of a document name to indicate its order in your package. Use a number at the end of a document name to indicate version.

For example, your CV should be the second document in your package, after the cover letter. You would name your CV: 2_YourName_DocumentType_VersionNumber 

If you are naming your CV for your initial May submission, you would call it 2_BunnyBugs_CV_1 Each time you revise a document, you will change the version number. This helps you to keep track of your revisions and allows us to ensure we have the correct documentation when it comes time to upload your final submission.

  • Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your updated Letter of Intent (LOI). Address the following points in your letter:

  • The reason for seeking promotion, clearly indicating your pathway. You must be excellent in at least 1 pathway and teaching must be competent.
  • If you are being considered under Excellence/ Competence in CPA, indicate which sub-category(ies):

1. Professional Innovation and Creative Excellence

2. Contributions to the Development of Professional Practices

3. Exemplary Professional Practice

  • Example 1: “I am requesting promotion on the basis of Excellence in Research and Competence in Teaching and Education.”
  • Example 2: “I am requesting promotion on the basis of Excellence in Creative Professional Activities, subcategories “Professional Innovation and Creative Excellence”, and “Contributions to the Development of Professional Practices,” and Competence in Teaching and Education.”
  • Short narrative of your academic career history (one paragraph).
  • Briefly summarize your accomplishments and their impact since your last promotion or since your appointment. Highlight most important accomplishments first.
    • Promotion at the Associate Professor level must be supported by evidence of an impact(recognition)at the national level.
    • Scholarship for promotion at the level of Full Professor must be supported by a distinguished international reputation.
  • Organize your accomplishments in the following order/sections:
    • research, if applicable
    • creative professional activity, if applicable
    • teaching
    • administrative service

To create a strong cover letter:

  • Write your letter so that a non-specialist in your field could understand.
  • Always spell out acronyms the first time you use them.
  • Highlight your most important accomplishments first.
  • Excellence in Research letters are typically 3-5pages. Excellence in CPA letters are usually 5-7 pages MAX. Sustained Excellence in Teaching letters are generally 3-5 pages.
  • Organize your cover letter per the order (and tips) in our: Cover Letter Template.
  • Curriculum Vitae

Your CV must be in University of Toronto format in accordance with University Policy (Manual of Staff Policies Academic Librarian, Number 3.01.05, paragraph 16) found here.

A template can be downloaded here

Research Documentation (if applicable)

  • Research Statement

  • Most Significant Publications

  • List the FIVE most significant publications since your last promotion and include a short paragraph for each describing the significance and your contribution.
  • Copies of each publication, in PDF format, sent as separate documents.


  • Teaching Dossier and Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness

Note: Every applicant needs to provide a Teaching Dossier and teaching evaluations regardless of the primary focus of your promotion dossier.

  • Teaching and Education Report
  • Data Summary Sheet 7 – Teaching
  • Add, in separate Appendices:
    • Student evaluations of teaching
    • Unsolicited testimonial letters (Please do not request reference letters.)
    • Peer evaluations (Please do not request reference letters.)
    • Formal assessments, both internal and external (e.g., any departmental, divisional, or clinical assessments or evaluations.) 
  • Creative Professional Activity Documentation

  • Administrative Dossier (if applicable)

    • Write a brief outline of your service activities.
    • Include a statement of the nature and impact of your service achievements on the department, the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, the University, your discipline, the professional community, or other targeted communities.
    • Attach supporting documentation that demonstrates the nature and impact of your service achievements. 
  • Referee / Student Testimonial Information

Names, Rank, and CURRENT Emails of 5 External Referees + 4-6 Student Referees  *see Things to Consider when Selecting Referees


Please send your completed documents to Hard copies or faxes will not be accepted.     

Do not combine the documents noted above into one file. Clearly labelled, separate PDF files for each category must be provided. Files are reviewed in an electronic format. Please be certain that all pages in a document are in the same orientation. Documents are to be submitted electronically, preferably in PDF format, by the mid-May deadline. The Department will upload the required documentation to the Laserfiche file management system on your behalf.