For Applicants
Register for CaRMS Meet and Greet at the University of Toronto (2023-2024)
Why UoftT?
Our program seeks to foster an academic and clinical environment which supports excellence across the educational spectrum. The focus stresses scientific and clinical expertise with relentless innovation as a Departmental theme. This includes clinical excellence, educational reform, social accountability, and intellectual inquiry. Accordingly, we are looking for academically driven candidates who are eager to take advantage of all opportunities the program has to offer. Strong CanMEDS competences and high professional standards are also key attributes we seek in our applicants.
The Application Process
Program applicants providing evidence of academic potential in their application file will be prioritized for consideration. This would include academic achievement in the form of academic standing or awards, scholarship (e.g. research, publications, innovation), evidence of leadership capacity and experience (e.g. committee memberships), and/or teaching excellence. Top file assessment candidates will be offered interviews. Successful candidates will be able to demonstrate strong CanMEDs competencies and suitability to anesthesia at the time of interviews.
Candidates will be ranked based on the scores of their application (50%) and interview (50%). The Selection Committee reserves the right to adjust final rankings by consensus to address issues of program priority and diversity.
Note, the program does NOT include extraneous information in its selection process. This includes unsubstantiated anonymous information and interactions at CaRMs social events. Any other relevant information pertaining to an applicant outside the application and interview process would be considered by the Program Director and Department Chair before being presented to the full Selection Committee.
The program strives to assess each component of the application (application file documents and interview performance) separately and independently, on its own merits. Some interviewers will have access to candidate application material for the purpose of asking specific questions related to the individual candidate. They will not, however, have access to the file assessment or ranking scores. All application materials will be reviewed and scored in the separate process to the interview.
Additional Resources
All interested applicants to our residency program are encouraged to visit the CaRMS websiteand the University of Toronto Postgraduate Medical Education website for information. All program application information, including eligibility and deadlines can be found directly on the CaRMS website.
We invite you to check out our own Toronto Anesthesia Instagram page !!
If this will be your first time coming to Toronto, we invite you to check out a short clip on UofT - Toronto: The World at Your Doorstep
Meet and Greet Sessions
For more information, register for this year's meet and greet sessions!