TWH - Chronic Pain Management

Toronto Western Hospital
(2 positions per year)

Clinical Curriculum

This is a 6 to 12 month fellowship offered to Anesthesiologists who are interested in comprehensive pain management.  The candidate will work in the Wasser Pain Management Centre. This is a multidisciplinary clinic with the involvement of various specialties:  Anesthesiologists, Neurologists, Dentists, Craniofacial physicians, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, specialists in Addiction Medicine and Chemical Dependency, Gynecologists, Physiotherapists and Nurses. They process about 1500 new referrals and the number of visits is over 6,000 per year.  The fellow will spend 4 days per week performing clinical duties, which will include working in the operating room one day a week. There are also rotations that include 1) oncology pain service; 2) neurology (headache, pelvic pain and EMG); 3) craniofacial program; 4) interventional program (various anesthetic blocks including fluoroscopy and ultrasound guided techniques); 5) psychologists-psychiatrists; 6) palliative program and 7) rehabilitation program (functional restoration program and cognitive behaviour program). 

Call Duties

Fellows will participate in general emergency on-call duties in the operating room at a frequency of approximately 4-5 calls per month.  


There are numerous research projects conducted by the faculty from the Wasser Pain Management Centre.  The fellows are expected to be involved in at least one research project during the rotation.  They are also expected to present at least one topic during one of the educational rounds. 


The Wasser Pain Management Clinic is closely affiliated with the University of Toronto, Centre for Study of Pain (UTCSP).  There are various educational programs including the rounds for the UTCSP, educational rounds in Mt. Sinai Hospital, Wasser Pain Management Centre and the Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Rounds in Toronto Western Hospital.   

Applications and Enquires 

Please send an updated curriculum vitae and letter of intent to:  

Dr. Paul Tumber
University Health Network-Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst Street, McL-2-436
Toronto, ON M5T 2S8