Toronto General Hospital Anesthesia Research Group

Research Members
- Angela Jerath FRCPC, FANZCA, MBBS, BSc:Staff Anesthesiologist
- Jo Carroll, BHA: Anesthesia Research Manager
- Humara Poonawala, MD (Russia), CCRP:
- Clinical Research Coordinator II
- Andrew Cheng, BSc, MHI: Research Analyst
- Janneth Pazmino-Canizares, MSc: Clinical Research Coordinator II
Contact Us
Angela Jerath FRCPC, FANZCA, MBBS, BSc
- E:
- P: (416) 340-5164
- F: (416) 340-3698
Research Unit Description
Dr. Jerath's clinical research group, based in the Department of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, Toronto General Hospital, includes researchers, research assistants, database developer and research manager. The research group is comprised of staff anesthesiologists, cardiovascular intensivists and academic physicians whose interests cover many disciplines of anesthesia, critical care, pain and perioperative medicine. The group has developed a high level of expertise in many research methodologies including clinical trials, observational studies, retrospective analyses, systematic reviews, population based studies and decision analyses.
Research Focus
Dr. Jerath's primary research focus lies in critical care medicine and cardiac surgery. She has pursued research in the use of volatile anesthetic agents for critical care patients that includes conducting clinical trials and assessing safety and development of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) gas scavenging system. She has also carried out research in tranexamic acid pharmacokinetic modelling for cardiac surgical patients. This work has involved the validation of newer techniques to measure drug concentration called solid phase microextraction. Finally, she has an interest in perioperative 2D and 3D transesophageal and transthoracic echocardiography. She has been involved in the development of online education tools that have been shown to accelerate the education of echo trainees and has also published echocardiography education papers and texts.
Selected Publications
- Jerath A, Beattie SW, Chandy T, Karski J, Djaiani G, Rao V, Yau T, Wasowicz M. Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials Group. Volatile-based short term sedation in cardiac surgical patients: A prospective randomized controlled trial. Crit Care Med. 2015;43(5):1062-9
- Wong K, Wasowicz M, Grewal D, Fowler T, Ng M, Ferguson ND, Steel A, Jerath A. Efficacy of a simple scavenging system for long-term critical care sedation using volatile agent-based anesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 2015 Dec.
- Yang Qi, Jerath A, Bies RR, Wasowicz M, Pang KS. Pharmacokinetic modeling of tranexamic acid for patients undergoing cardiac surgery with normal renal function and model simulations for patients with renal impairment. Biopharm Drug Dispos. 2015;36(5):294-307.
- Wasowicz M, Jerath A, Bojko B, Sharma V, Pawliszyn J, McCluskey S. Use of a novel technique of Solid Phase Microextraction to measure concentration of tranexamic acid in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Can J Anesth. 2012; 59(1):14-20
- Jerath A, Vegas A, Meineri M, Silversides C, Feindel C, Beattie S, Corrin M, Tait G. An interactive online 3D model of the heart to assist in learning standard transesophageal echocardiography views. Can J Anesth 2011; 58(1):14-21