Teaching Evaluation Scores

Teaching effectiveness scores (TES) for the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine are captured and maintained by three systems, the Postgraduate Web Registration (POWER) for resident teaching, Medical Student Information System (MedSIS) for MD program teaching and Elentra produces the Learner Assessment of Clinical Teachers (LACT) form. Which captures assessments from all levels of learners. The strength of the LACT form system is that it supports the collection and collation of feedback across all stages of learning and will allow a more comprehensive report. Our department has effectively transitioned to the LACT form as of July 1, 2021. All TES reports released from the department will be via the LACT form.

Read Guidelines for Reporting on Learner Assessment of Clinical Teachers (LACT) Form   (this link opens in another tab) created by PGME.


Learner Assessment of Clinical Teachers (LACT) Report

The Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine has established a formal appeals review committee to address any concerns that teachers may have about their evaluations from the Learner Assessment of Clinical Teachers (LACT) Report. The Director of Evaluation Appeals manages the process. The review committee’s goal is to utilize guiding principles to review teachers’ appeals of their annual teaching evaluations and to either deny or approve the removal of the evaluation(s) in question.

Teachers are notified of the outcome of the investigation and appeals review. It is important to note that under no circumstances should faculty attempt to contact learners who they believe may have provided a teaching evaluation that they wish to challenge. Appeals of scores will be handled exclusively through the appeals committee.

Learn about the appeals process