Four, 12-month duration
Start dates: January and July (2 fellows each start date)
Acceptance: ~16 months in advance
FRCPC, FRCA, FANZCA, or equivalent
This is a clinically focused fellowship within a fully staffed and equipped dedicated block room that performs over 2000 preoperative regional blocks per year. Ultrasound guidance is standard for all upper and lower extremity blocks. Both single injection and catheter techniques are expected competencies following completion of the fellowship. Sixty percent of fellowship time (3 days per week) is dedicated to regional anesthesia practice (clinical 2 days, research 1 day), with the remaining 2 clinical operating room days distributed throughout the scope of practice at our full-service adult tertiary care trauma centre.
Direct inquiries to:
Dr. Filipe Nadir Caparica Santos
Coordinator, Fellowship Program
St. Michael's Hospital
30 Bond Street, 6F-501 Donnelly South
Toronto, ON, Canada M5B 1W8