Apr 11, 2024

Dr. Keyvan Karkouti re-appointed as Anesthesiologist-in-Chief at Sinai Health, University Health Network and Women’s College Hospital

Dr. Keyvan Karkouti against a grey background

Dr. Keyvan Karkouti has been re-appointed as Chief of the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management (DAPM) at Sinai Health, University Health Network and Women’s College Hospital for a second term.

In an announcement, the department noted Karkouti's successes included:

  • The initiation of new clinical programs such as the cancer pain program and the perioperative clinical care program
  • Focus on building a stronger culture within the DAPM through the creation of the DAPM Governing Council as the primary decision-making body of the Department
  • The development of a robust Quality Improvement program

Additionally, Karkouti made professional development a priority through leadership development, mentoring and continuing medical education. He also led the hospital's Anesthesia Residency program as it underwent its external review to regain full accreditated status by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, in partnership with the University of Toronto’s Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, and was instrumental in the creation of the Anesthesia Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU), a full-service, department-based academic research organization to establish the DAPM as a leading research centre for clinical trials.

We look forward to continued achievements of the department, led by Keyvan and its Site Lead, Dr. Alison Macarthur.

Please join us in congratulating Keyvan and wishing him continued success in his role.