This week brings excellent news for our department, both internally and from the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society.
Drs. Abdallah, Avramescu, Clarke and Riazi have all won the inaugural departmental Innovation Award. From a competitive process of 29 applicants across the department, these four investigators were selected by an internal committee as having the highest probability of being competitive for a CIHR Project Grant award. Thus, each of the four will receive in-depth mentoring by individualized expert committees over the next 8 months to develop a competitive federal grant. A biosketch of the winners is included below.
At a more senior level, two of our researchers, Drs. Greg Hare and Beverley Orser, were honored this month by the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society. Greg was awarded the Research Recognition Award, and Bev awarded the Society’s Gold Medal.
The Research Recognition Award recognizes a senior investigator who has contributed to and sustained major contributions in anesthesia research in Canada. In receiving this Greg joins several of Toronto’s excellent researchers including Drs. Andrew Baker, Scott Beattie, David Mazer, Frances Chung, Beverley Orser, Jerrold Lerman and Beverley Britt.
The CAS Gold Medal recognizes excellence in matters related to anesthesia, and in receiving this, Beverley joins a list of outstanding contributors from Toronto including Drs. David McKnight, Vincent Chan, Jeremy Sloan, Robert Byrick, David Bevan, Gerald Edelist, David Fear, Alan Conn, Arthur Dunn, Roderick Gordon, Stanley Campbell and Harry Shields.
Please join with us in congratulating our emerging - and our senior - researchers!
Dr. Sheila Riazi is Associate Pr