These awards will be presented annually to a faculty member for exceptional contribution to the Fellowship program, whether through teaching or administration. An individual can win this award only once every three years.
Nomination Criteria may include any or all of the following:
1. Excellence in clinical teaching and seminars
2. An excellent teaching record over several years
3. Excellent role model
4. High level involvement in Fellowship Administration
5. Innovations in fellowship teaching
Nominations: Each nomination letter must be signed by a faculty member and accompanied by a minimum of TWO letters of support from past or present fellows.
Accompanying Documentation: Nominations should be accompanied by the candidate's CV, Teaching Dossier, and Evaluations. As well, evidence of innovation in education can be included.
Deadline for Nomination: TBD
Submit nominations to: Tania Dingwall
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
University Health Network
Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street, 3EN-462
Toronto, ON M5G 2C4