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Sheila Riazi

Since Dr. Riazi’s appointment, the malignant hyperthermia (MH) centre has been revitalized by restarting diagnostic testing (including both caffeine-halothane contracture test (CHCT), and genetic testing). Under Dr. Riazi the centre has also secured funding for new equipment, started research projects and implemented curriculum for MH-elective rotation for anesthesia residents. A new Canadian-based website has raised awareness and specifically increased the number of reported MH cases to the unit. Dr. Riazi’s unit has regained respect in the MH community and she has been selected as member of board of directors, as well as professional advisory committee of MHAUS.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Riazi's research in malignant hyperthermia started in 2010 with her appointment. Her MH research is multifaceted, and focused on different aspects of MH, clinical as well as fundamental, involving genetics, cellular and physiologic studies.
Staff Anesthesiologist, Toronto Western Hospital
Director, Malignant Hyperthermia Investigation Unit
Board Member, MH Association of United States (MHAUS)
Chair, Professional Advisory Committee (PAC), MHAUS
Associate Member, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Honours and Awards
Name: Best Poster
2013 - Department of Anesthesia-Faculty Development Day, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Malignant Hyperthermia in Canada, A progress report.
Name: Anderson Award
2014 - Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital and University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Postgraduate MD): Awarded under the category of Program Innovation and Development for the Malignant Hyperthermia - Anesthesia Resident Rotation.
Name: Clinical Excellence Award
2014 - Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Clinical): For excellent clinical skills (Anesthesia) and consistent demonstration of exemplary patient service at Women’s College Hospital.
Course Number: Acute pain management
Course Name: core residency teaching
Course Number: Neuromuscular disorders and implications for anesthesiologist
Course Name: core residency teaching
Course Number: Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia workshop instructor
Course Name: USRA