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Pamela Angle
Dr. Angle has a strong research interest in obstetrical anesthesia. She has developed a multi-dimensional psychometric instrument to measure women’s experiences of labour and delivery pain. She has completed three validation studies to date which have shown high levels of instrument performance in this patient population. She is also the principal investigator of a project designed to develop a Multi-Attribute Health Index to measure the quality of labour analgesia. Further research interests include prevention and treatment of postdural puncture headaches, as well as dural tissue trauma patterns produced by epidural needles.
Dr. Angle is the director of the Obstetrical Anesthesia Research Unit. She provides mentorship for anesthesia fellows and residents for research projects in obstetrical anesthesia. She is actively involved in educating residents rotating through the department and has been an invited speaker at national meetings on aspects of Obstetrical Anesthesia. She is also an assistant professor in the Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto.
Recent Publications
- Angle P, Landy CK, Charles C, Yee J, Watson J, Kung R, Kronberg J, Halpern S, Lam D, Lie LM, Streiner D. Phase 1 development of an index to measure the quality of neuraxial labour analgesia: exploring the perspectives of childbearing women. Canadian Journal of Anesthesiology, 57(5):468-78 (2010). Epub 2010 Mar 13.
- Ankichetty S, Angle P, Joselyn AS, Chinnappa V, Halpern S. Anesthetic considerations of parturients with obesity and obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology, 28(4):436-43 (2012).
- Ankichetty S, Angle P, Margarido C, Halpern SH. Case report: Rhabdomyolysis in morbidly obese patients: anesthetic considerations. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. 60(3): 290-3 (2013).
- Ankichetty SP, Murphy C, Angle P, Halpern S. Elective cesarean delivery in non-dialyzed parturient with chronic renal failure. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology, 29(1):102-104 (2013).
- Angle P, Silva M, Halpern S, Kiss A. The Validity of Endpoint Measurement. Anesthesia and the Fetus. [1st Edition] Editors: Yehuda Ginosar, Stephen Halpern, Felicity Reynolds and Carl P Weiner. Chapter 8, pp 75-88. Blackwell Publishing (UK), 2013.
Assistant Professor, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Clinical Epidemiology-Health Policy Management and Evaluation Program
Director, Obstetrical Anesthesia Research Unit (OARU), Sunnybrook Research Institute
Associate Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology, Sunnybrook Research Institute
Consultant Anesthesiologist, Department of Anesthesia, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, University of British Columbia
Honours and Awards
Name: RA Gordon Clinical research Award
Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, 2008
Name: Merit Award
Department of Anesthesia, University of Toronto, 2009-2011
Name: Elected Overseas Fellow Distinction
Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, 2010
Name: AHSC AFP Innovation Fund
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC), 2014
Course Number: Randomized Controlled Trials course
Course Name: Clinical Epidemiology-Health Policy Management and Evaluation Program, University of Toronto, 2010-present
Course Number: Teaching and supervision of PGY 1-4 Residents
Course Name: clinical rotations at Sunnybrook’s Women & Babies Program
Course Number: Research Methods Teaching
Course Name: Study design, Use of an Evidence informed approach to clinical decision-making, Critical Appraisal of the literature, Formal and semi-formal sessions with Clinical and Research Anesthesia Residents and Fellows in the Women & Babies Program throughout the