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Michael Kahn
University Health Network - Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 2C4
Research Interests
Effect of ESP blocks on post-operative delirium in adult cardiac surgical patients, Role of Pulsed Radiofrequency Frequency in management of CRPS, Minimizing post-operative pain in living liver donors
Clinical Interests
Cardiothoracic anesthesia, Interventional chronic pain management, Acute perioperative pain/ regional anesthesa, Criticla Care medicine, Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography
I am interested in expanding the role of anesthesia in perioperative care, from pre-operative optimization to post-operative critical care medicine, including minimizing acute perioperative pain using regional anesthesia in order to prevent post-operative chronic pain. I am interested in the role of perioperative echocardiography, particularly with resuscitation. I am fortunate to have been trained in cardiothoracic anesthesia, echocardiography, critical care medicine, regional anesthesia, and interventional chronic pain.