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Hermann dos Santos Fernandes

Dr. dos Santos Fernandes holds a medical degree from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2009), completed a Residency in Anesthesiology (2015) and Pain Management (2016) from the University of São Paulo, Doctorate in Science from the Anesthesiology Program at the University of São Paulo (2019) and Clinical Fellowships on Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (2021) and Simulation and Medical Education in Anesthesia (2022) programs at Mount Sinai Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine of University of Toronto. Specialist Title in Anesthesiology (TEA) and Superior Title in Anesthesiology (TSA) by the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology
(SBA). Certificate in Pain Management by the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) and by the SBA. European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC) and Diplomate of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (DESA) by the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA). Currently, he works at Mount Sinai Hospital and is appointed to the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine at the University of Toronto, and is a Collaborating Professor with the University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP). He has experience in Medicine, with an emphasis on Anesthesiology and Pain Management, working mainly on the following topics: anesthesiology, obstetric anesthesia, regional anesthesia, anesthesia ultrasound, pain control, interventional pain medicine, airway control, bleeding, coagulopathy, and thromboelastometry.
Clinical research has always been important to Dr. dos Santo Fernandes. This background significantly
supported a research flow during the medical residencies in Anesthesiology and Pain Management. His doctorate resulted in the following thesis: Fernandes, Hermann S. MD; Bliacheriene, Fernando PhD; Vago, Thúlio M. MD; Corregliano, Gabriela T. MD; Torres, Marcelo L. PhD; Francisco, Rossana P. PhD; Ashmawi, Hazem A. PhD. Clonidine Effect on Pain After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Different Routes of
Administration. Anesthesia & Analgesia 127(1):p 165-170, July 2018. DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000003319.
Dr. dos Santos Fernandes' research routine allowed him the opportunity to foster other skills, including the use of the REDCap platform, a handful of research tools for data collection. His curiosity for unanswered questions and his constant passion for achieving the best possible clinical care for patients have motivated him to use his research skills and knowledge to pursue scientific answers.