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Akash Goel

Dr. Akash Goel is a clinician-investigator, attending anesthesiologist and interventional pain medicine specialist at St. Michael's Hospital and the University of Toronto. Dr. Goel received his medical degree from McMaster University. He then completed his anesthesiology training at the University of Toronto and pursued further fellowship training in interventional and multidisciplinary pain medicine at Stanford University. He also holds a Masters in Public Health from The Harvard School of Public Health. He currently employs systematic reviews, retrospective analyses of administrative databases, and Delphi analyses to study the perioperative management of substance use disorders. He has published international guidelines on the perioperative management of buprenorphine and cannabis, and is widely accepted as a continental expert on buprenorphine. His academic work has been featured in leading journals such as Anesthesiology, British Journal of Anesthesia, and The Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. His academic pain practice involves the application of novel and advanced pain therapeutics, including neuromodulation techniques such as spinal cord stimulation, dorsal root ganglion stimulation, and peripheral nerve stimulation. Dr. Goel also employs advanced techniques in the management of craniofacial pain, including fluoroscopic guided neuroablative therapies.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Akash Goel is a clinician-investigator, attending anesthesiologist and interventional pain medicine specialist at St. Michael's Hospital and the University of Toronto. Dr. Goel received his medical degree from McMaster University. He then completed his anesthesiology training at the University of Toronto and pursued further fellowship training in interventional and multidisciplinary pain medicine at Stanford University. He also holds a Masters in Public Health from The Harvard School of Public Health. He currently employs systematic reviews, retrospective analyses of administrative databases, and Delphi analyses to study the perioperative management of substance use disorders. He has published international guidelines on the perioperative management of buprenorphine and cannabis, and is widely accepted as a continental expert on buprenorphine. His academic work has been featured in leading journals such as Anesthesiology, British Journal of Anesthesia, and The Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. His academic pain practice involves the application of novel and advanced pain therapeutics, including neuromodulation techniques such as spinal cord stimulation, dorsal root ganglion stimulation, and peripheral nerve stimulation. Dr. Goel also employs advanced techniques in the management of craniofacial pain, including fluoroscopic guided neuroablative therapies.
Recent Publications
McGuinness B, Goel A, Elias F, Rapanos T, Mittleman MA, Ladha KS. Cannabis use disorder and perioperative outcomes in vascular surgery. J Vasc Surg. 2020 Aug 28:S0741-5214(20)31890-5.
Ladha KS, McLaren-Blades A, Goel A, Buys MJ, Farquhar-Smith P, Haroutounian S et al. Perioperative Pain and Addiction Interdisciplinary Network (PAIN): consensus recommendations for perioperative management of cannabis and cannabinoid-based medicine users by a modified Delphi process. Br J Anaesth. 2021 Jan;126(1):304-318.
Kim DD, Goel A (2020) ‘Estimating Case Fatality Rates of COVID-19’ The Lancet Infectious Diseases
McGuinness B, Goel A, Elias F, Rapanos T, Mittleman MA, Ladha KS (2020) ‘Cannabis Use Disorder and Perioperative Outcomes in Vascular Surgery’ Journal of Vascular Surgery
McLaren-Blades A, Ladha K, Goel A, Manoo V, Kotteeswaran Y, Gee YY, Fiorellino J, Clarke H. Perioperative pain and addiction interdisciplinary network (PAIN): protocol for the perioperative management of cannabis and cannabinoid-based medicines using a modified Delphi process. BMJ Open. 2020 Jul 19;10(7):e036472
Diep C, Goel A, Ladha KS. Mass identification of potential service sector donors of personal protective equipment from an online directory during the COVID-19 pandemic. Can J Public Health. 2020 Jun;111(3):404-405. doi: 10.17269/s41997-020-00334-1. Epub 2020 May 27.
Goel A, McGuinness B, Jivraj NK, Wijeysundera DN, Mittleman MA, Bateman BT, Clarke H, Kotra LP, Ladha KS. Cannabis Use Disorder and Perioperative Outcomes in Major Elective Surgeries: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis. Anesthesiology. 2020 Apr;132(4):625-635
Ladha KS, Manoo V, Virji AF, Hanlon JG, Mclaren-Blades A, Goel A, Wijeysundera DN, Kotra LP, Ibarra C, Englesakis M, Clarke H. The Impact of Perioperative Cannabis Use: A Narrative Scoping Review. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2019 Dec 6;4(4):219-230
Goel A, Azargive S, Weissman J et al. (2019) ‘Perioperative Pain and Addiction Interdisciplinary Network (PAIN) Clinical Practice Advisory for Perioperative Management of Buprenorphine - Results of a Modified Delphi Process. BJA 123(2):e333-342
Goel A, Azargive S, Weissman J et al. (2019) ‘Perioperative Pain and Addiction Interdisciplinary Network (PAIN): Protocol of a Practice Advisory for the Perioperative Management of Buprenorphine using a Modified Delphi Process’ BMJopen 9(5):e0274374 ,
Goel A, Feinberg A, McGuiness B, Brar S, Srikandarajah S, Pearsall E, McLeod R, Clarke H. Postoperative opioid-prescribing patterns among surgeons and residents at university-affiliated hospitals: a survey study. Can J Surg. 2020 Jan 9;63(1):E1-E8.
Goel A, Azargive S, Hanlon J, Flamer D, Srikandarajah S, Ladha K, Lamba W, Bordman J, Englisakis M, Di Renna T, Shanthanna H, Peng P, Duggan S, Clarke H. (2019) ‘The Perioperative Patient on Buprenorphine: A Systematic Review of perioperative management strategies and patient outcomes’ Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 112(1): 1-16
Honours and Awards
Name: 2018 - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Bridging Grant
In support of the Interventional and Multidisciplinary Pain Medicine Fellowship, Stanford University, Department of Anesthesiology, Pain, and Perioperative Medicine.
Name: 2018 - Emerging Leader Award, Victoria College at the University of Toronto
Awarded to Alumni of The University of Toronto for exceptional contributions to their field of work Outstanding Resident Leadership Award.
Name: 2018 - Outstanding Resident Leadership Award
Awarded to Residents at the University of Toronto for outstanding contributions to the residency program.
Name: Gordon Cressy Award
Awarded to graduating students at the University of Toronto for outstanding extra-curricular contributions to the University Crescam Serviendo Award Awarded for growth through exceptional service to the Victoria University community.