This award will be presented annually to a faculty member at MSH/UHN for exceptional contribution to inter-professional education, whether through teaching or administration. An individual can win this award only once every three years.
Nomination Criteria may include any or all of the following:
1. Excellence in clinical teaching and seminars
2. An excellent teaching record over several years
3. Program Development
4. High level involvement in inter-professional education
5. Innovations in teaching
Nominations: Each nomination letter must be signed by a faculty member and be accompanied by a minimum of TWO letters of support.
Accompanying Documentation: Nominations should be accompanied by the candidate's CV, Teaching Dossier, and Evaluations. As well, evidence of innovation in education can be included.
Deadline for Nomination: TBD
Submit nominations to: Tania Dingwall
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
University Health Network
Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street, 3EN-462
Toronto, ON M5G 2C4