The Pain Fellowship year is a clinical year with approximately 50% of time dedicated to the Pain Service and 50% of the time to anesthesia coverage of other services, including obstetrics in the hospital. The Pain Clinical Services consist of one-week-long rotations supervising a multi-disciplinary acute pain service, two days per week of Chronic Pain Service Interventional Work and one day per week of Chronic Pain Clinic.
The non-pain clinical time is spent rotating through the different surgical subspecialties in the operating room, including vascular surgery, neurosurgery, ENT, general surgery, and orthopedics. We also have a busy obstetrical practice as well as a Preoperative Assessment Facility where we provide preoperative consultation services. There is an opportunity to become involved in our ongoing pain research projects as part of the academic program.
Dr. Farhang Jalilian
Coordinator, Fellowship Program
St. Michael's Hospital
30 Bond Street, 6F-501 Donnelly South
Toronto, ON, Canada M5B 1W8