Green Initiatives

We have made a pledge to offer "green" events in the Department of Anesthesia. The following green initiatives will be continued this year:

  • Any items that are printed (e.g., conference-related posters and advertisements) will be printed on recycled paper. Double-sided printing will also be used whenever possible.
  • Paper-free, online, abstract submission and registration forms. Confirmations will also be sent via email.
  • Evaluations for the event will be distributed via email after the event. Evaluations will be sent to all participants via email, and we will again use a Survey Monkey tool.
  • Name badge holders and delegate bags will be recycled wherever possible.
  • Our caterers strive to feature locally grown foods (where possible) in their menus. Wherever possible, our caterer will use bulk or larger containers for food items, rather than multiple, individually packaged ones.
  • Our meeting location is within walking distance of the downtown hospitals, and can easily be accessed by public transportation.
  • We encourage our sponsors to reduce printed materials distributed.
  • The University has recycle bins available throughout the facility, as part of their program.

Many of these green initiatives were already implemented last year, and we thank you for your ongoing support.