Dr. David Bevan was born in Wales, completed his training in Cambridge and in Guy’s Hospital, London, and moved to Montreal in 1978. He held the Wesley-Bourne Chair of Anesthesia at McGill University, Montreal, leaving in 1993 when was recruited to the University of British Columbia where he was chair of anesthesia until 2000. Following this, he was recruited to Toronto to the position of Anesthetist-in-Chief at the University Health Network/Mount Sinai Hospital, and was subsequently chair of the Department of Anesthesia at the University of Toronto until his retirement from academic practice in 2006. Dr. Bevan’s research contributions included seminal work in neuromuscular blockade and this work, in addition to his expertise as a reviewer of scientific merit, led to several editorial appointments (including Anesthesia and Analgesia) and Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. With 185 peer-reviewed papers, 35 book chapters and over 250 international invited talks to his name, Dr. Bevan was also committed to the practice of anesthesia and was instrumental in preparing the ground for the introduction of the Anesthesia Care Team concept in Ontario. Awarded multiple international professional honors, David Bevan was a winner – for outstanding service to the profession- of the Gold Medal of Canadian Anesthetists’ Society in 2002.
This award is for the best overall research poster at the Annual Shields Research Day. The award is among all categories of research presenters.
2023 Dr. Jady Liang
2022 Dr. Connor Brenna
2019 Dr. Yasmine Hoydonckx
2018 Dr. Talha Mubashir
2017 Takeshi Yoshida
2016 Dr. David Levin
2015 Dr. Mark McVey
2013 Dr. Dianshi Wang
2012 Dr. Patrick Wong
2011 Dr. Daniel Cordovani
2010 Dr. Julia Voigtlaender-Bolz
2009 Dr. John Hanlon
2008 Dr. Ronit Lavi